Find the perfect drilling solution for your specific industry or project.

Geotechnical Drilling
Ensure any construction project you plan to undertake is suitable, and will remain safe and structurally sound for years to come.
Our mission is to offer a high level of expertise to each client when it comes to our range of drilling services. Specifically, we offer PQ, HQ or NQ triple tube, as well as the ability to carry out SPT or push tubes.
Additionally, our team also offers the ability for undisturbed and disturbed drilling samples, ensuring the delivery of quality sampling presentation and excellent recovery.
Our geotechnical applications typically are used for infrastructure developments such as, bridge construction, service roads, tailings dams, jetties and wharfs.

Water Bore Drilling
Guarantee an effective water bore or well system for irrigation, livestock or any other requirment. Suitable for governments, businesses, farmers or villages.​
Our specialist team offers the perfect mix of technical experience and professional service, allowing us to deliver each job in the most fast and efficient time frame for your project.
We offer the highest quality water bores to suit your requirements, adhering to industry standards across every job we carry out.
Finally, we ensure each well installation is constructed with the highest quality materials, meeting the Australian standards. We can even source and provide PVC or steel casing in all various sizes if required.

Environmental Drilling
Quickly determine & counteract soil or groundwater contamination in your area, with our accurate drilling and sampling process.​
Our team ensures accurate sampling and eliminates the possibility of cross-contamination between sampling locations. This is done through the use of clean, non-contaminated above and belowground equipment.
Additionally, we believe in being environmentally concious about our effects on the Earth. We use the latest technology and machinery to ensure we leave minimal impact on the environment.
No matter what you require, whether it be mud rotary, auger, or air drilling, we can deliver any methedology for the job. No project is too big or small for our experience team.

Discover the possibility and viability of mineral deposits, by undertaking a safe, efficient, and
cost-effective exploration program.
Drill Search founders have a reputation amongst metals and minerals clients for providing safe, effective and cost efficient exploration programs.
Our minerals exploration fleet is multipurpose, ensuring we are able to manage a diverse range of project scopes and hole depths or types.
Work with a team who can help you efficiently understand the properties and boundaries of your site before moving forward.
Contact us today for more information or to determine the possibilities for your specific needs.
Exploration Drilling